Ugh, Murphy!!!!

Unfortunately Murphy is knocking at the door this month. I have a mandatory schedule change coming up on October 1, where I will be moving from working a 1pm to midnight shift over to a 7:30am to 4pm shift. My husband will have to leave his 7am-3pm shift for other hours where he works. He’s in security so this would not be difficult except his current boss wants him to stay on his shift due to my husband being 2nd in command and his boss relies on him heavily.

At my husband’s job, he is highly regarded by the executives, but his boss is taking this change personally and says he cannot keep my husband as a full time employee. He told my husband he would be lucky to get 30 hours a week.

His boss doesn’t understand why we can’t just put my son in daycare. He doesn’t know our financial situation and the fact we cannot at this time afford to spend $1000 or more a month on daycare. My husband attempted to explain it to him but he is still angry.

Also, I am about 18 months away from being vested in my pension plan and I carry all of the benefits for our family, so I can’t just up and find another job right now and no other positions in the city I work at have the hours I need to be able to keep my husband on days.

So considering my husband’s imminent job status changing from full time to part time, we are going to have to back off on our debt snowball to pile up what little cash we can until my husband can find either another post or a job with another company that pays more.

I feel like we are taking a big step backwards but I know that if I don’t reduce the amount we are paying towards debt, we may end up in an even more difficult situation in the next few months. I will just have to believe this trial will only make us stronger in the end and hopefully Murphy’s knock will turn into the knock of opportunity.

September 2013

“I do not think there is any other quality so essential to success of any kind as the quality of perseverance. It overcomes almost everything, even nature.” ~ John D Rockefeller

For August we were right on target with $658 extra being paid towards our debt snowball. My big savings last month was a photo book I made for my sister for her birthday which ended up costing me only $8 and my sister absolutely loved it!

September is shaping up to be better as far as our debt snowball goes. We have budgeted to pay $865 towards our debt and there doesn’t seem to be any potential surprises. I do wish I was done with this debt as there are a couple of events I would love to attend but can’t right now, namely the Entreleadership 1 day in Orlando and Jon Acuff’s Start Conference in Tennessee. I guess I will just have to use this disappointment to fuel our gazelle intensity…

So our debt snowball at the end of August was:

Car loan 1


Car loan 2


Sallie Mae





And our projected numbers at the end of September as the budget stands:

Car loan 1


Car loan 2


Sallie Mae





So as you can see, we are moving in the right direction but I only wish it were faster. I may have to look into some other ways to increase our income. Ebay is slow right now and there isn’t much action on Etsy either. Hopefully it will pick up again for the holidays, but right now the small amount of sales is not helping us. If you have any ideas for a full time working mom of a 9 month old, please leave a comment below 🙂